Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Technology Happenings

Here's a look at our Pine Glen students using technology to support and enhance their learning.  The kindergarten animal family project combines Science, Art, Speaking, and Technology whereas the second grade lesson teaches the digital citizenship lesson of staying safe when going online.  This lesson has many connections to the ways we participate as citizens in our own physical communities and how we stay safe in our these communities.

Grade K

Our kindergartners have been learning about animals and their families with their homeroom teachers.  After establishing a solid foundation of background knowledge about animals and their families, students used our classroom ipads to draw animals using the app, Drawing Pad, and the app, Explain Everything, to record the animal facts they had learned.  Enjoy each classroom's animal family project below.
Drawing Pad (illustrations):

Explain Everything (Drawing Pad illustrations + audio recordings):
Room 101

Room 102

Room 103

Grade 2

Second grade students have been learning about digital citizenship and how to stay safe online.  We used Common Sense Education's curriculum and lesson, "Going Places Safely" which teaches us how to safely visit places on the internet.  Here are pictures and video from the lesson as well as students safely visiting the San Diego Zoo website on their ipads.
Lesson Notes:

Common Sense Video:

Students visit the San Diego Zoo website, which is a "just right website" on their student ipad.